Ryan Wilks Contract awarded for Preliminary Dam Works

Deputy Premier Andrew Stoner and Member for Tamworth Kevin Anderson announced on Friday that the $2.2 million contract for Keepit Dam safety upgrade electrical works has been awarded to Ryan Wilks Pty Ltd.

Mr Stoner said the privately- owned Australian company would carry out the preliminary works ahead of the second phase of the dam upgrade.

“The $146.4 million Keepit Dam safety upgrade is doing wonders for the local economy, with industry estimates stating up to 60 per cent of the total projects costs are spent locally on goods and services,” Mr Stoner said.

“Stage one of the $40 million safety upgrade works has already reduced the risk of the dam overtopping in the event of an extreme flood.

“The second package of works will make the dam fully compliant with NSW Dams Safety Committee standards for extreme floods.”

Mr Stoner said the electrical company, (Ryan Wilks Pty Ltd) as successful in their tender, will be responsible for relocating electrical equipment and constructing a new switch emergency generator.

“Construction is scheduled to begin in February and there won’t be any changes to the water level of the dam from the works,” Mr Stoner said.

Mr Anderson said access to the Keepit Dam wall will be restricted intermittently during construction.

This will have no effect on the Lake Keepit State Park, where visitors are arriving in droves for the Tamworth Country Music Festival, “ Mr Anderson said.

“The NSW Government is committed to ensuring the Tamworth district has the very best water and dam infrastructure, with the completion of the 7.6million Split Rock Dam safety upgrade in 2012 and the soon-to-be completed Barraba pipeline and the $13million stage one of the Chaffey Dam upgrade also receiving funding.”

Keepit Dam’s preliminary works are scheduled for completion late 2014 to early 2015.

Pictured at the dam wall from left, State Water Russell Sainsbury Keepit Dam Upgrade Site Co Ordinator Member for Tamworth Kevin Anderson, State Water Keepit Dam Upgrade Senior Project Manager Frank Kinnas, Ryan Wilks P/L Administration and Systems Manager Kim Sparkes, State Water CEO Brett Tucker Ryan Wilks P/L Business Development and Estimating Manager and Deputy Premier Andrew Stoner.