Sydney University DB Replacement Projects
During the 2nd half of 2014 and 1st half of 2015, Ryan Wilks tendered and were awarded several electrical distribution switchboard ( DB’s ) replacement projects. These DBs were deemed by the electrical consultant, Steensen Varming, to be priority 1 switchboards that needed immediate replacement as they failed a number of safety criteria. These works are referred to as Stage 1. The works also involved the design and construction of DB cupboards within heritage buildings which were reviewed and certified by the Sydney University appointed heritage architect.
The projects awarded to Ryan Wilks are as follows:
A27 Edward Ford Building – DB105/106 and DB 107
The scope of work for DB105/106 was to disconnect and remove the existing DB105 and DB106. A new DB cupboard was constructed opposite the redundant DBs. A new DB105/106 (Sydney University Standard Type 1 DB) was supplied and installed in the cupboard. The subcircuits were joined and extended from within the stripped out redundant DBs which were utilized as Junction Boxes, to the new DB105/106. A new 100A 3 pole CB was installed in the Edward Ford MSB and a new 4C + E 25mm2 110deg flexible multicore cable was installed and connected to provide a new upgraded supply to the new DB.
The scope of work was to disconnect and remove the existing DB107. A new DB107 (Sydney University Standard Type 1 DB) was supplied and installed adjacent to the redundant DB. The subcircuits were joined and extended from within the stripped out redundant DB which was utilized as a Junction Box, to the new DB. A new upgraded 25mm2 Earth cable was installed from the Edward Ford MSB to DB 107 as the existing earth was identified as being undersized.
B02 McMaster Annexe – MSB and DB2
The scope of work for the MSB was to disconnect and remove the existing MSB. A new DB cupboard was constructed in the room adjacent to the redundant MSB. A new DB (Sydney University Standard Type 1 DB) was supplied and installed in the cupboard. The subcircuits were joined and extended from within the stripped out redundant MSB which was utilized as a Junction Box, to the new MSB.
The scope of work was to disconnect and remove the existing DB2. A new DB2 (Sydney University Standard Type 1 DB) was supplied and installed in the room adjacent to the redundant DB. An existing water heater in this room was relocated to provide space for the new DB2. A new fire rated door frame and door were also installed at the entry to the room. The subcircuits were joined and extended from within the stripped out redundant DB which was utilized as a Junction Box, to the new DB2.
A04 R.D Watt – DB104
The scope of work for DB104 was to disconnect and remove the existing DB.DB108 was decommissioned and the subcircuits were joined and extended to the new DB104 utilizing the redundant stripped out DB108 as a junction box. A new DB cupboard was constructed in the same location as the redundant DB104. A new DB104 (Sydney University Standard Type 1 DB) was supplied and installed in the cupboard. The existing DB104 and DB108 subcircuits were connected to the new DB104.
A12 Macleay – DB207
The scope of work for DB207 was to disconnect and remove the existing DB. A new DB cupboard was constructed on the wall adjacent to the redundant DB207. A new MSB (Sydney University Standard Type 1 DB) was supplied and installed in the new cupboard. The existing subcircuits were joined, extended and diverted to the new DB207.
A14 The Quadrangle – MSB South, DB200 and DB312
The scope of work for MSB South was to disconnect and remove the existing DB. A new DB cupboard was constructed in the same location as the redundant MSB South. A new MSB South (Sydney University Standard Type 5 MDB) was supplied and installed in the new cupboard. The existing incoming mains and existing outgoing DB305 submains were diverted and connected to the new MSB South.
The scope of work for DB200 was to disconnect and remove the existing DB. The existing Heritage DB cupboard and doors had minor modifications and refurbishment. A new DB (Sydney University Standard Type 1 DB) was supplied and installed in the refurbished cupboard. The existing subcircuits were joined, extended and diverted to the new DB200.
The scope of work for DB312 was to disconnect and remove the existing DB. The existing Heritage DB cupboard and doors had minor modifications and refurbishment. A new MSB (Sydney University Standard Type 1 DB) was supplied and installed in the refurbished cupboard. The existing subcircuits were joined, extended and diverted to the new DB200.
F13 Anderson Stuart – Old MSB
The scope of work for the Old MSB was to disconnect and remove the existing Old MSB. A new DB cupboard was constructed in the same location as the redundant Old MSB. A new switchboard (Sydney University Standard Type 3 DB c/w Type 4 extension) was supplied and installed in the new cupboard. The existing subcircuits and submains were extended, diverted and connected to the new switchboard.
F11 Chemistry – DB105
The scope of work for DB105 was to disconnect and remove the existing DB105, DB105A and DB 105B. A new DB cupboard was constructed in the lobby adjacent to the redundant DBs. A new DB105 (Sydney University Standard Type 3a DB) was supplied and installed in the cupboard. The subcircuits were joined and extended from within the stripped out redundant DB105 which was utilized as a Junction Box, to the new DB105.
Value $ 520k