Deakin Telecommunications Facility – Generator Systems Modification
Ryan Wilks works was Stage 1 of major generator replacement project at Deakin in the ACT.
The works involved:
- demolition of 1 of 3 existing generators.
- the installation of a new air cooling system (air cooled radiator, heat exchanger, cooling water pumps and pipework modifications) for remaining SPG 3.
- Supply , installation and commissioning of new generator Auxillary DB’s and generator controls.
- Preparation of design for future Stage 2 supply air intake and submission of BA for works.
- Provision of 3 x 1000 KVA temporary generators and 20,000 litre fuel tank were installed, and connected to the site whilst the works were in progress.
The original works included for the existing generator room exhaust system to be replaced with new. In consultation with the client and consultants Ryan Wilks were able to initiate a costs saving where the existing ductwork was retained and only the fans replaced. The costs saved by not replacing the ductwork allowed for the fuel system upgrade, relocation of the air start systems and the roof modifications to be included within the Stage 1 scope, and budget resulting in a costs saving for the future Stage 2 works .
The generator room layout was modified to provide maximum floor space and provide greater access for the new future generators.. The existing generator pneumatic air start system was relocated and re-commissioned to provide sufficent floor space for new fuel pumps and day tanks.
The existing generator which we removed was approximately 3.5 meters tall and had to be disassembled to fit thru the existing doorway, and the service corridors.
New generator and auxillary electrical switchboards were installed along with new generator controls system which included provision for the future stage 2 works. The works involved the cut over and commissioning of the existing generators to the new generator controls and power supplies.
The existing generators were cooled by radiators located in the roof plantroom. The existing roof was removed and the steelwork modified to enable the removal of two of the existing radiators and installation of one new radiator to serve the smaller generator. To save costs and time for the future Stage 2 works the roof openings and steel were modified to incorporate the future works and temporary covers placed over the unused openings.
The works also included the design and preparation of documentation of the stage 2 generator room inlet ventilation package. The design involved the development of the consultants concept in consultation with client representatives, preparation of drawings and the submission and approval of BA application.
In summary Ryan Wilks were able to initiate costs and time savings for the client in the next Stage 2 portion of the works.
Value 1.7 mil